
It is a THURSDAY. . . .

Today is a Thursday. . . . .

Thursday's are a really hard day in our house! I love our life, our days, weeks, months. However, we are a very busy family. Constantly adding things to the list. Also, constantly taking things away when they become too much. On Thursday our children are in melt down mode.

I have officially been working for one year this month. I love my job and everyday I am excited to start it all over again. I also love my job as Mommy and wife. After staying home for 2 1/2 years I never really thought I would love something enough to take me away from my home. Last year I found that.

Blakely has had the hardest time adjusting to the change. I had been at home with her everyday since she was born. She has done really well considering the total shock she was thrown into at first. Today she had a melt down when I came home. She did not want to leave the wonderful enviroment she was in. Although the fit she threw was not pleasent I was happy she was content. She has really come into her own personality since being away from me. This is such a blessing to watch.

Ty is adaptable. I am not sure if this comes from us training him to be or just his nature? I am impressed daily with his ability to go with the flow. While both of our children have inherited their father's "laid back attitude". Ty is the definition.

Bryan has also had to adjust to life without a stay at home wife. At times the transition was hardest for him. Their is a level of convenience and security that comes with a spouse at home. Someone to pick up dry cleaning, meet the repair person, maintain the house, attempt to fix dinner every night ;) ( I tried), standing lunch date, and caring for the children. I will say that the most difficult part for Bryan was that someone else was involved in caring for our children. There was a sense of control that was lost. A lot of peace comes when you know that your children are being loved and protected.

So on Thursday our week is coming to an end. In the Waldenville house Thursday is our Friday. I do not work on Fridays and Bryan is off also. Being in ministry Sunday has become a work day for our entire family. Friday is our day of rest. We often sleep in and stay in our pajamas until noon. Blakely loves to help make Cinnamon rolls. We all lay around the house with the windows open and have an occasional dance party ;), Two weeks ago Bryan felt that we should introduce our children to Michael Jackson. Since he has become the next Elvis for our generation. Needless to say, these days have become some of the most special.

Thursday afternoon our children are extremely ready for Mom and Dad to care and love on them. I think that in a way they have had a work week also. I have a very flexible schedule. However, anytime they are away from us for four days regardless of how long they are exhausted. Then we start our weekend. They begin their routine with Mom and Dad and the world is at peace again. They just really need to be reset. They know what to expect from us. In their world they need routine. They need to know we watch cartoons, eat breakfast, play, snack, play, lunch, and then we all four nap ;). All of our loved ones know if they call our house between 1-4 on Fridays. We will not answer. Napping is something we all have in common.

Although as a mother it is hard to let go of my children. It has taught me an enormous amount about God and just how BIG he is. You have to give up that control. You have to release your children to the Lord. Know that he is mighty, powerful, and a protector. You have to know that they are ultimately his. So Monday through Thursday is my way of saying God I trust you and have faith that you will protect them. I am letting go. When I am with them I will do my job as a parent and a good steward of the two blessings you have given Bryan and I. When they are away from me I will trust you to watch over them.

I miss them if I am away 5 minutes or 5 hours. I have grown so much as a person in the last twelve months. Knowing that I am my own person. It is very easy to neglect or forget that when your children are so intertwined in you. The Lord blesses me when I am with them and when I am away. I appreciate every moment I spend with them. The time I spend with them is truly quality time.

I am watching them grow into this unique and wonderful individuals. I am so thankful for where we have been and where we are going. Ty and Blakely are blessings in their own individual ways. Both precious. I am going to look back at this time and remember how wonderful these years were. I could not feel more blessed to have a loving husband. The Lord has allowed us to have a family and create a legacy that I know will continue to bless us in the coming years.

Bryan and I are going to take the babies and go to the beach for a week. We are leaving this weekend after the Journey EC side walk VBX. Time to reconnect as a family and make some memories. Looking forward to a special time with the people I love the most.



So I knew when I started this blog I would struggle to keep it updated and I have. For all of you who have given me a hard time (no one specific) about not posting. . . please refer to the disclaimer that I wrote on the very first post. I will do my very best. However, I do not make any promises on how frequently I will post. ;) So with the said. . .

I do not have any pictures to share at this time. I have probably over 500 that we have taken over the past month. We have been extremely busy. Living life. Sometimes when we are tired I have to stop and remind myself that I am so thankful for a blessed life. We have been busy traveling, building relationships, building companies, building churches, going to fundraisers, dinner parties, Easter egg hunting, passing out door hangers, having the flu, loving our children/spouse, and building God's kingdom. I could go on and on. Anyways, it has all been a blast.

So I will share some wonderful pictures very soon. I promise.

We traveled to California in March with my entire family. Bryan, Blakely, Ty, Amelia, Amanda, Mom, Grandpa, Aunt D, Uncle Bob, Megan, and I. We started in San Fransisco, then headed down the coast to Monterrey, and then back to Sacramento. We flew into San Fransisco and then drove the entire time. I just need to say, I have NEVER enjoyed driving sooooo much. We saw the most fantastic, amazing, beautiful part of this country that I have ever seen! For those of you who have driven HWY 1 or done the 17 mile drive you will most likely agree that God carved out the most beautiful piece of scenery in this area.

In San Fransisco we went to China Town, the Pier, shopping, and ate seafood until we were sick. In Monterrey we relaxed, went to the aquarium, surfing, deep sea fishing, played on the beach, went shopping, and headed out on the 17 mile drive.
On the 17 mile drive. We saw the most beautiful golf courses in the world! We walked Pebble Beach golf course. Saw Otter Rock. The lone Cypress.
Next was Carmel. It was a wonderful little spot. Very unique and interesting.
Next we headed back to Sacramento where my mom has been living. We relaxed and enjoyed the beautiful weather. We swam, ate, and had a massage.

The trip was so wonderful. We are very appreciative to my Grandfather who took us all. It is not very often you get to experience such a wonderful trip with the entire family.

Nap time is over. . . . I will try and post again soon. Have a blessed Easter. We are excited to celebrate the risen Christ!!!!!



Ty and Blakely had their Valentines Day Parties at North haven Mother's Day Out yesterday. They had so much fun and came home with Valentines from all of their friends.  We have been so blessed by the Mother's Day Out program at North haven.  The babies really enjoy their classes. 
Ty is in the 6-12 month baby classroom.  He has had the same teacher this entire year. 
Ms. Elaine is very special to Ty.  He smiles and goes right to her when we get to school.  She loves him so well.  I never worry about him being taken care of.  She and Ty have a special relationship.  She definitely spoils him!  She has been so excited to watch him grow.  We are so thankful for her.  He has several little boys that he loves playing with every week.  Ms. Elaine is always excited when the boys are all together.  She told me that Noah Goodnight is Ty's favorite friend.  When the two of them are together they entertain themselves all day.  When they first started going to class together they would sit facing each other and touch each others face, hands, feet.  They would just sit in awe of each other.  So cute! 
Blakely is in the 2-3 year old class.  Her teachers are Ms. Chele and Ms. Julie.  They do an art project every morning.  We have to make sure we are on time so that Blakely can make something.  It is her favorite part of the day.  When we pick her up she is always excited to show us what she made.  She gets to do things that most people would hesitate to let a 2 year old do.  They paint and glue things.  We have watched Blakely open up and grow so much in the last year.  Every Tuesday her class has chapel time with the Senior pastor at North haven. 
In November she came home on a Tuesday and told me that Thanksgiving is to say thank you to God.  She has so many great relationships at school.  She has been in the same class with many of her friends since she was 1.  Most of them will be going with her to Gingerbread next year.
We are so thankful for this encouraging environment our children are in.  It is such a blessing to watch them learn. 


God wants to see you excited!

Loving our new church home.  I just want to share how blessed our family has been by Journey Church.  The East Campus has become our new home.  We are "doing life" with so many wonderful people.  We are really enjoying our time there.  God is doing amazing things in this place!  You can feel God's presence.  This Sunday was great.  The music was awesome and God definently used Clark to deliver a critical message.  The energy has changed so much at the East Campus.  People are on fire for God and you can feel it.  They are truly chasing after God.  This energy pours out onto others and is contagious.  Bryan and I are so excited about what is going on we can't help but invite everyone we see.  The greatest thing is that when others visit our church they feel the energy also.  It is a domino effect.  God is going to do some amazing things in this place.  He has already started to lay the groundwork.  I feel so blessed to be a part of a community of believers who are so contagious.  They love others so well.  I see them inspiring believers and non-believers.  God works in amazing ways.  I feel that the East Campus has a wonderful opportunity to touch a community.  I think we are a success if we can change one person's life.  Just think of what an impact we could make if each of us lead one person into a personal relationship with Christ.  My husband would get excited and say, we can lead twenty.  My point is that God desires for us to go out and build his kingdom.  Not just to glorify him but because he loves each one of us. I think that everyone deserves this love.  The unconditional love of Christ is the greatest gift you can give someone.  My husband has a desire deep in his heart to truly change a community, city, or the world.  When people press into God and are on fire for him.  They chase after him.  You can't help but be contagious to others when you are overflowing with this excitement for God.  Bryan has made me desire to chase after God and shout it from the roof top.  My prayer is that we all feel this way.  Go after what God has put on your heart!!  God wants to see you excited.  He loves you.  


I just wanted to share these pictures of our precious little boy.  He is a handful!  He has such an adventurous spirit.  Not only is he trying to walk. . . he has started to use his truck to climb up on the furniture.  We thought that this truck would be great for him to push as he learns how to walk.  Little did we know he would skip pushing and go straight to riding and climbing.  He is such a joy!  Constantly keeping us on our toes. 


Everyone is growing so fast!  When we were new parents people would tell us to enjoy because they grow up really fast.  We were naive and ignored this warning.  Then the first year of Blakely's life flew by.  Our next child was not far behind.  Trust me I am now a believer in the advice that was so easily ignored 2 1/2 years ago.

We have our hands very full at the Waldenville house.  We have two children going opposite directions and are into everything.  Bryan looked at me last night and in the most serious face said, they are everywhere. . . . what do we do?  

Blakely is very tall for her age.  Because of this she can reach almost anything.  Turn lights on and off. Open the refrigerator.  Reach things on the countertops.  She is also very good at climbing.  

This morning while we were getting ready for the day she disappeared.  I knew something was going on.  She is never quite unless she is doing something she isn't suppose to.  I walked into the kitchen and she was at the table.  She had pulled out one of her bowls and dumped an entire Sam's container of blueberries into it.  She looked at me and asked for juice with a smile on her face.  

Ty is doing new things every day.  I can't believe we are a month away from his first birthday!  He is crawling and trying to walk.  He has started standing on his own.  Last week Blakely broke into the fridge and got her and Ty a piece of Turkey.  I walked into the kitchen and he was standing on his own chowing down.  I am not even sure he knew he was standing.  We obviously need a lock on our fridge.  

I have been so suprised at how well Blakely and Ty get along.  Blakely is constantly loving on him.  Really the only problem we have had between them is Blakely smothering him with love.  It is such a joy to watch them grow in their relationship. 

I am looking forward to warm weather.  We love playing outside and swimming at Grandpa's house.  Blakely really enjoys riding her bike.  We have so many wonderful summer memories.   


Baby it's cold outside!

I do not enjoy cold weather.  However, I do enjoy snuggling with my babies by the fire.  I am so blessed to be at home with them.  I think of how God gives you small moments that you will remember forever.  I am thankful for every precious moment I have with them.  

When Bryan and I moved out of our first home on Midway Dr. we left a lot of memories. Coming home on our wedding night, many fun nights with our friends, bringing Blakely home from the hospital, her first Christmas, crawling, pulling up.  I could go on and on.  The point is change is hard.  It is hard to create memories somewhere and then leave it for the unknown.  You have faith that God is directing your steps.  If you pursue him about your decisions you find confidence in them.  No matter how much faith you have it can still be scary and hard.  

I have realized that in order to move forward and not be stagnant in life you need change.  Wether that means taking a step back or a step forward.  We all need change.

I finally feel like we are at home in our new house.  When we moved from our first house on Midway Dr.  We had no idea what was ahead of us.  God knew exactly what he was doing when he moved us there.  I spent the last two years of my grandmothers life with her.  Everyday Blakely and I would go next door and her face would light up.  I am so thankful for the time we had with her.  We would talk, cook, clean, shop, sit, play, and even watch movies.  When she was gone I felt broken and lost.  She was my everyday. 

So after she passed away we found ourselves asking what's next?  God starting working on our hearts.  Long before we even knew it.  When you look back on a season you can see how God was laying out the framework for the future.  It is much harder when you are in the middle of it to realize he is working through the situation.  

Bryan and I decided it was time to move.  Every one thought we were crazy!  Seriously.  They could not understand why we would want to move away from something so great.  A beautiful home, family, and security.  We felt that it was time for us to change.  We found a great house, on the completely opposite side of town (not our plan), away from everyone we knew (N.O.P.)  Here we are almost three months later and feeling more blessed than ever.  God has worked through every change in our lives. 

It is hard to leave memories.  It is wonderful to make new ones.  We are feeling God in so many new ways.  We thank him for all of our blessings.  A healthy and happy family, a home of our own, jobs we both love, and his presence in our lives daily.  He has poured out his love on us.  Our prayer is that we may pour his love out to others. 



God has blessed Bryan and I with two special children.  From the day that Ty was born Blakely has loved him so fiercely!  She has been gentle, patient, affectionate, and protective.   I was so worried that Blakely would have to grow up too fast with another baby so close to her age.  Our pediatrician told me that she would never remember life without Ty.  After watching them interact with each other over the past 10 months I would not change that for the world.  Blakely told me today that "Brother" is her best friend.  I can't wait to watch them grow into this special relationship that they have with each other.

For all of you that know Blakely this will not come as any surprise.  For Halloween this year Blakely was going to be a bumble bee and Ty was Pooh.  Her bumble bee costume was very cute and all girl!  She thought it was great also, until she saw that her brother was going to be Winnie the Pooh.  Then it was all over!  I had bought Ty a costume on ebay and it was huge.  So I found another Pooh costume that was smaller.  So I had an extra Pooh costume sitting around.  Blakely was determined that if she couldn't be Pooh than neither could her brother.  So she attempted to remove him from his costume several times.  After a battle and much consideration we decided we would have two Pooh bears.  So Blakely wore a 6-12 month costume and was very excited that she and brother were bears together.  So much for the cute tutu and tights.  My child is the definition of strong willed.  I think at times that there is no possible way she could have been born into this.  It is so deeply rooted in her that it must be hereditary. 

My precious husband and babies!  

Okay, so I know that some of these pictures are really old.  I just wanted to share some of my favorites from the past.  I will post some more recent ones soon.  



Our new family motto is "Living the Dream."  God is good.  He has blessed our family in amazing ways this year.  It has been a year full of change.  God has literally moved our family and set us in a new direction.  Bryan is the new East Campus Pastor at Journey Church and I am co-owner of a property management company with one of my dearest friends.  Our first priority and most important and rewarding job is as parents.  We have two children who are full of life.  God blessed us with a boy and a girl.  Blakely is 2 years and 5 months and Ty Lawson is 10 months old.  
Just to summarize our 2008. . . . We lost my Grandmother in February and Bryan's Grandfather in August.  Our son was born in March.  Blakely turned 2 years old in August.  I went back to work building a business in July.  We celebrated 5 years of marriage with a trip to Mexico in October.  We moved across town and out of our comfort zone in November.  Bryan accepted a new job at Journey Church in December.  Then we rang in the New Year with old and new friends.
I was going to send out a Christmas letter this year.  However, plans changed when I was sick over Christmas.  After an emergency room trip and two route canals.  I decided that a Christmas letter was not a priority this year.  So instead I have decided to start blogging.  My friends have inspired me through their blogs.  I love reading about all of their families and looking at pictures.  I am constantly being asked for pictures of our children.  So here it is, a Waldenville family update.  I hope I can keep this going!    
We are at a wonderful place in our lives.  Our family is complete and we are feeling God's direction for our lives.  Bryan and I are in a small group at Journey Church.  It is a new experience for us both.  We have never been able to attend Sunday School together in our adult life.  It has given us a community of believers who we can "do life with."  It has been a constant joy and something that we look forward to every week.  It has encouraged us to take our spiritual lives to the next level.  We are both pressing into the intimate relationship that the Lord desires from us.  He continues to pour out his blessings on us. 
We love you all!  I hope you enjoy our updates.  Please let us know what is going on in all of your lives.  We really enjoy pictures and watching other families grow. 


Bryan, Zan, Blakely, and Ty Waldenville