Everyone is growing so fast! When we were new parents people would tell us to enjoy because they grow up really fast. We were naive and ignored this warning. Then the first year of Blakely's life flew by. Our next child was not far behind. Trust me I am now a believer in the advice that was so easily ignored 2 1/2 years ago.
We have our hands very full at the Waldenville house. We have two children going opposite directions and are into everything. Bryan looked at me last night and in the most serious face said, they are everywhere. . . . what do we do?
Blakely is very tall for her age. Because of this she can reach almost anything. Turn lights on and off. Open the refrigerator. Reach things on the countertops. She is also very good at climbing.
This morning while we were getting ready for the day she disappeared. I knew something was going on. She is never quite unless she is doing something she isn't suppose to. I walked into the kitchen and she was at the table. She had pulled out one of her bowls and dumped an entire Sam's container of blueberries into it. She looked at me and asked for juice with a smile on her face.
Ty is doing new things every day. I can't believe we are a month away from his first birthday! He is crawling and trying to walk. He has started standing on his own. Last week Blakely broke into the fridge and got her and Ty a piece of Turkey. I walked into the kitchen and he was standing on his own chowing down. I am not even sure he knew he was standing. We obviously need a lock on our fridge.
I have been so suprised at how well Blakely and Ty get along. Blakely is constantly loving on him. Really the only problem we have had between them is Blakely smothering him with love. It is such a joy to watch them grow in their relationship.
I am looking forward to warm weather. We love playing outside and swimming at Grandpa's house. Blakely really enjoys riding her bike. We have so many wonderful summer memories.